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-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Monday, November 06, 2006

Wikipedia vandalism cleanup

Several days ago, while discussing Wikipedia with a friend, I was shown an act of vandalism on their old college's page which had been left unfixed for a week.
"Marian has been rated the worst school for academics by various sources however it has recieved unanimous votes for the #1 party school in the World."
This edit was made early on the 25th of October. It was finally reverted this evening on the 6th of November. That's about twelve and a half days.

Perhaps everyone else who was also watching this page also decided to see how long it would take instead of just fixing it.
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  • also, it's in the news today [or was it yesterday or the day before] that the german wikipedia was responsible for spreading a (computer) virus - although now that's been beaten over the head with a pointy stick and so on.

    That said, I've spent many happy unproductive hours wandering through wikipedia instead of doing whatever it was I was supposed to be.


    By Blogger M., At 11:32 AM, November 07, 2006