Wikipedia vandalism cleanup
Several days ago, while discussing Wikipedia with a friend, I was shown an act of vandalism on their old college's page which had been left unfixed for a week.
Perhaps everyone else who was also watching this page also decided to see how long it would take instead of just fixing it.
"Marian has been rated the worst school for academics by various sources however it has recieved unanimous votes for the #1 party school in the World."This edit was made early on the 25th of October. It was finally reverted this evening on the 6th of November. That's about twelve and a half days.-- Wikipedia.
Perhaps everyone else who was also watching this page also decided to see how long it would take instead of just fixing it.
also, it's in the news today [or was it yesterday or the day before] that the german wikipedia was responsible for spreading a (computer) virus - although now that's been beaten over the head with a pointy stick and so on.
That said, I've spent many happy unproductive hours wandering through wikipedia instead of doing whatever it was I was supposed to be.
M., At
11:32 AM, November 07, 2006