posted by Bill P. Godfrey at 8:47 AM
What are you on about Bill?M.
By M., At 10:43 AM, July 21, 2006
surely not this ?
By M., At 10:48 AM, July 21, 2006
Yes, that.
By Shirley, At 10:56 AM, July 21, 2006
Well thats great, you had me jumping around the place and then I found out it was yesterday! I'm hopping mad now! >:-(
By GammaGoblin, At 12:51 PM, July 21, 2006
Careful, you might knock the Earth out of orbit.
By Bill P. Godfrey, At 3:35 PM, July 21, 2006
All opinions expressed are of the author and are not neccessarily those of Bill Godfrey or the other contributors.
What are you on about Bill?
M., At
10:43 AM, July 21, 2006
surely not this ?
M., At
10:48 AM, July 21, 2006
Yes, that.
Shirley, At
10:56 AM, July 21, 2006
Well thats great, you had me jumping around the place and then I found out it was yesterday! I'm hopping mad now! >:-(
GammaGoblin, At
12:51 PM, July 21, 2006
Careful, you might knock the Earth out of orbit.
Bill P. Godfrey, At
3:35 PM, July 21, 2006