Return... of the Fridge!! Mwah ! Ha! Ha! Ha!
After spending time trying to get Bill's fridge to work... [It doesn't like me, for some reason] I found this...
It's Eddie Izzard's fridge... drag the words and click "say it" to hear Eddie enunciate it, which I find quite amusing... although rather limited.
Cake, or Death?
It's Eddie Izzard's fridge... drag the words and click "say it" to hear Eddie enunciate it, which I find quite amusing... although rather limited.
Cake, or Death?
I went there. I played for a few moments there. I giggled. Izzard makes me laugh anyway. But this was kooky and quirky. Damn fine moment or two on a weekend.
Thia, At
7:16 AM, January 31, 2005