Doctor Who trepidations
I've been enjoying the new Doctor Who series. Some I've liked (Father's day, Empty child, Girl in the fireplace) and some I've not liked so much (Aliens of London, The long game, New Earth).
With tonight's episode, Army of ghosts, I offically have low expectations.
Two reasons. First is the appearance of Derek "Mary-loves-Dick" Acorah. Secondly, Barbara Windsor will also be appearing, which isn't a bad thing in itself except she is credited as playing "Peggy Mitchell", her character in the soap opera Eastenders.
"Let us go to the Queen Vic for a pint of be-er."
"But we are barred since you ex-ter-min-ate-ed Phil Mitch-ell."
"I have to go to the laund-er-ette to pick up my serv-ice wash."
"Sor-ry. I ex-ter-min-ate-ed Paul-ine Fow-ler when she ru-ined my del-ic-ates!"
"Oh look. Der-ek 'Ma-ry-loves-Dick' Ac-or-ah! EX-TERM-IN-ATE! EX-TERM-IN-ATE!"
As I write this, it all starts at 7PM, assuming the England vs Portugal world cup game doesn't go into extra time. That would be rude.
UPDATE (After watching it.)
That weren't so bad.
With tonight's episode, Army of ghosts, I offically have low expectations.
Two reasons. First is the appearance of Derek "Mary-loves-Dick" Acorah. Secondly, Barbara Windsor will also be appearing, which isn't a bad thing in itself except she is credited as playing "Peggy Mitchell", her character in the soap opera Eastenders.
"Let us go to the Queen Vic for a pint of be-er."
"But we are barred since you ex-ter-min-ate-ed Phil Mitch-ell."
"I have to go to the laund-er-ette to pick up my serv-ice wash."
"Sor-ry. I ex-ter-min-ate-ed Paul-ine Fow-ler when she ru-ined my del-ic-ates!"
"Oh look. Der-ek 'Ma-ry-loves-Dick' Ac-or-ah! EX-TERM-IN-ATE! EX-TERM-IN-ATE!"
As I write this, it all starts at 7PM, assuming the England vs Portugal world cup game doesn't go into extra time. That would be rude.
UPDATE (After watching it.)
That weren't so bad.
I hate to say this in umtv Bill, but isn't Dr Who a children's programme? It's like the opposite of Battlestar Galactica which is the only sci-fi show I think is geared for those who have outgrown lasers and join the dots storylines.
Deano, At
8:43 PM, July 01, 2006
Ooooh lasers! Peow peow peow!
Bill P. Godfrey, At
9:04 PM, July 01, 2006
Now I'm trying to work out which episode you're talking about Bill - having only seen the first one of the 2nd [new] series and the last... it's a bit tricky; of course, I guess if Peggy's back then they must be saying that the terrible "Dimensions in Time" Dr Who/Eastenders special actually forms part of the official cannon...
but in that vein, I wonder if they'll recognise and bring back Frobisher - The doctor could do with a non-humanoid character companion
M. [of course, they'd have to use a real trained penguin - cgi wouldn't cut it at all]
M., At
3:17 PM, July 18, 2006
That would be "Army of Ghosts", the 12th episode.
Bill P. Godfrey, At
11:11 AM, July 21, 2006