Be a Mythbuster!
It seems Mythbusters are planning a special episode with a challenge to build your own version of the Death Ray, originally built by Archimedes. (According to legend, anyway.)
There are some strange rules for who is eligible to enter, however.
(I need a hobby.)
There are some strange rules for who is eligible to enter, however.
You must be a legal U.S. resident. |
You must be ready to travel at a moment's notice as determined by the producers at their sole discretion, and be available to stay in San Francisco for seven days during production of the episodes. |
You must not be a candidate for elected public office. |
(I need a hobby.)
Additionally, the rules state :
"You must NOT DO anything dangerous or illegal in the preparation or execution of your experiment or you will be disqualified."
um... we're building a death ray. As a deadly weapon, surely this is illegal, and things that cause death are dangerous... um..
indeed, the "judging" says the following :
"Judging of the applications and the finalists will be based on subjective and objective factors including (without limitation) the:
(a) success of the rig that is the basis of the experiment;
(b) ease of aiming of the experiment;
(c) scientific basis of the experiment;
(d) innovative use of materials including regard to use of authentic third-century B.C. materials; and;
(e) time to ignite the target."
Success, ease of aiming, time to ignite - is this just a tv funded weapons development program? Reagan had "star wars", Bush has "death ray of God"... hmmm
Also... where is the average American going to find authentic 3rd Century BC matterials ?
As for scientific basis... what a lot of hooey
M., At
9:33 AM, October 14, 2005
Your photoshop-ing needs work.
Anonymous, At
9:58 AM, October 14, 2005
Alas, I used Windows Paint. The one that comes with Windows.
Bill P. Godfrey, At
9:43 PM, October 14, 2005