Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Sunday, January 09, 2005

They Say I Have An Appetizing Cherry Flavor?

Imagine my surprise when I found this while surfing with Bill tonight. It says I "help reduce nervousness and excitability". Hmmm. Obviously they've never met me.
⬅️ I died 100 years ago Animated short of the week. (Magical Trevor) ➡️


  • I'd be more concerned that we have to feed up to one ounce of you to horses [or up to 2 teaspoons to dogs] per day...

    ... although that might explain any strange aches and pains you've been having...

    By Blogger M., At 11:16 AM, January 12, 2005