Spam you like?
... well... they're getting through damn it!... but...
Why hello there, how are you doing? What's up and all that stuff?
Hello, I'd like to speak to now please. I was told to "see aye ell ell" them on a mathematical sum. Apparently I can get a bunch of non-study letters within 2 weeks. All which are a mystery ammount verifiable. 1 blank 0 blank 0 blank % ... hmm. Assume it's a sum 1 + 0 + 0 = % so 1% verifiable? Hmm...
where is a college's dis cretion? what's a dis? and what's a cretion? Is it like the back of the pipes in the gents' toilets? And I'm not surprised it's been keep quiet for years!
Oooh... really [note - no idea why Ccx137 is there - nothing at all to do with me] let's give it ago Neil BBCEFIGY - let my life and career improve!!!
zzero ? is that like sub zero ? or is it a chilly bee? Oooh another blank. RIS blank K ... hmm... not sure - will think about it - althoug oblig blank ation is obviously oblig nation. No oblig nation. All the maps are wrong and we're teaching our children such rubbish!
who do I call? us? me? now? and it's that "see aye el el" thing again followed by a mathematical sum again. Hmm. Ralph! Help me here, I'm completely befuddled!
What a queer little story you write. Very strange.
Why hello there, how are you doing? What's up and all that stuff?
A Genuine College Degree in 2 weeks C.a.l.l now!-> 1-2.0.6-202-4492
Within 2 weeks! No Study Required! 1_0_0_% Verifiable!
Hello, I'd like to speak to now please. I was told to "see aye ell ell" them on a mathematical sum. Apparently I can get a bunch of non-study letters within 2 weeks. All which are a mystery ammount verifiable. 1 blank 0 blank 0 blank % ... hmm. Assume it's a sum 1 + 0 + 0 = % so 1% verifiable? Hmm...
The opporrtunity exists due to a legal loophole allowing some established colleges to award degrees at their dis.cretion.
This little known secret has been kept quiet for years.
where is a college's dis cretion? what's a dis? and what's a cretion? Is it like the back of the pipes in the gents' toilets? And I'm not surprised it's been keep quiet for years!
Ccx137 Start seeing how much better your life&carreer can be with few letters behind your name! zzero ris_k and no oblig_ation
Oooh... really [note - no idea why Ccx137 is there - nothing at all to do with me] let's give it ago Neil BBCEFIGY - let my life and career improve!!!
zzero ? is that like sub zero ? or is it a chilly bee? Oooh another blank. RIS blank K ... hmm... not sure - will think about it - althoug oblig blank ation is obviously oblig nation. No oblig nation. All the maps are wrong and we're teaching our children such rubbish!
For more infor.mation give us a call, You'll thank me later.
C.a.l.l now! 1-2.0.6-202-4492
Ralph Smith
who do I call? us? me? now? and it's that "see aye el el" thing again followed by a mathematical sum again. Hmm. Ralph! Help me here, I'm completely befuddled!
Don't you practice cooking nicely?.
That librarian isn't enjoying jumping at the company..
Jack is not missing singing near the station..
I'll study as soon as you have liked skiing..
Did Anthony miss running?.
I could go on and on, but I won't. We have many programs the children love. But I would give them ALL up to keep my BORING noun program. I thank THE PARENT daily for her insight..
Were those pilots practicing praying?.
Many bartenders like driving every other day..
Did Debbie love jumping in front of the restaurant?.
Did those news announcers dislike jumping?.
Were those science teachers missing walking a few days ago?.
Did Debbie love jumping in front of the restaurant?.
Don't you practice cooking nicely?.
Wasn't Dick missing talking on the street?.
Did those students miss eating last winter?.
Joe's girlfriend generally misses laughing..
They have regretted jogging since last Monday..
I didn't dislike cooking at home..
I could go on and on, but I won't. We have many programs the children love. But I would give them ALL up to keep my BORING noun program. I thank THE PARENT daily for her insight..
Those police officers are practicing driving between the two buildings..
Jack is not missing singing near the station..
Did those bus drivers regret singing?.
What a queer little story you write. Very strange.
I love jumping in front of the restaurant!
Debbie, At
9:09 PM, October 13, 2005
ah... so you're the one :-)
M., At
10:48 AM, October 20, 2005