Swindon mania
Last year, I went on a training course at the WindRiver offices in Swindon. Took lots of photos. Frankly, I'd scroll down to the next article if I were you.
Here's the rear ends of Jonas and Gustavo, after we parked the car and went for some food. Gus didn't bring a jacket, so he borrowed my emergency jacket.
As you can see, I'm a rather big guy. Gus's hands are in there somewhere.
This is Jonas, as seen from the front.
Jonas and I, outside a resturant. It turned out to be a Thai restuarant. Does it look a Thai resturant to you?
(Photograph © Gustavo Perez, 2004.)
On the third day of my visit, we visited Bath.
Me, enjoying a drink of cola and lemon in a Bath pub. I needed a shave.
Gus and Jonas, enjoying a drink. They both shaved.
Did I take the previous two photos and paste them together? Or did we ask a waitress to take a photo of us. You decide.
WindRiver offices from afar.
(Photograph © Gustavo Perez, 2004.)
Students and instructor.
(Photograph © Gustavo Perez, 2004.)

(Photograph © Gustavo Perez, 2004.)

(Photograph © Gustavo Perez, 2004.)

(Photograph © Gustavo Perez, 2004.)
No need to book that vacation in Swindon. Now I feel like I've already been there. Woohoo!
BTW, where is Swindon?
Thia, At
5:41 AM, February 11, 2005