Bill P. Godfrey et al
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-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Driving to cheddar (this time with words)

It was such a simple idea. I took a day off and I thought I would go to Cheddar and buy some cheese and walk up the gorge.

Last time I went there, it seemed a very simple process. Plenty of time to do all of the above and more besides. As you may have already guessed from one of my "food preparation without words" pieces, I arrived to find everywhere shut and getting dark. In short, I got lost on the way.

It was a mixture of unfamiliar wiggly roads (starting from a new place) and no longer having a partner to drive or navigate. I had to make frequent stops to check a map and there was too much cloud for the GPS to work. Gaaaaaah!

Anyway, if you are ever in Cheddar, visiting the caves or walking up the gorge, the Highnam's dairy does a rather nice line of chesse mixed with chilli and spices. I forget the name, firecracker or something. (Mention this website for no discount.)

Dispite all the hassles getting lost, it was a good day out. I managed to walk a few turns up the gorge road before it started raining and the scenery is nice.
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  • I thought you were joking about a place called Cheddar! I love it!

    Cheddar would be a good dog name too.

    By Blogger Rori, At 2:22 AM, March 23, 2005

  • Cheese always reminds me of the old "Punt and Dennis" sketch where they're trying to market a new brand of cracker with the catchphrase "I'm cheesy"... I lie. I'm not always reminded of that sketch, but, if you can get radio 2 [should be available from] you can catch their latest "It's been a bad week" and... there's another show they do, the name of which I've forgotten... [maybe it's on radio 4...]

    Most cheeses in England are named by the location where they're produced. Examples would be things like "double Gloucester", "Sage Derby", "Cheshire" , "red Leicester" and "Wensleydale"

    Milky, Milky?

    By Blogger M., At 1:49 PM, March 23, 2005

  • Cheese-makers from all over can make Cheddar cheese. Welsh Cheddar, American Cheddar, New Zealand Cheddar, etc.

    This would mean that the cheese-makers of Cheddar would have to make Cheddar Cheddar.

    Perhaps that's what "double Gloucester" means.

    By Blogger Bill P. Godfrey, At 2:35 PM, March 23, 2005