Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Cheese! (Mk II)

I had another try at going to Cheddar, my last attempt having failed badly. I left at around noon, equipped with a GPS, a pack of jaffa cakes and my camera.

An hour later, I arrived at a motorway service station, put all the gizmos away and set off. My usual habit when walking away from the car is to check my pockets that I have my wallet, keys and mobile phone.

Phone... phone... where's the phone? Turned out I had forgotten it.

40 minutes later (I took a less-scenic route back) I was back home and I had the phone. I had considered continuing, but I hate not having my phone. How did anyone cope in the days before mobile phones? What did they do if the car broke down in a country road?

Back on the road, with phone. I left just half an hour before I left on my previous attempt. I decided to risk it. Did I make it in time? Did I get my cheese? Find out in the next exciting installment... Right now.


There was enough time for my usual walk to the top of the gorge.

At the top, my estimation of 10 seconds was slightly out.

⬅️ Proposal to increase efficiency in the names of the states of the USA. Crying at my christening ➡️


  • That's a lot of cheese.

    [or wedge shaped objects pretending to be cheese]

    You went, you came back, you went again and you did it all. All in one night [no, wait, that's "A Christmas Carol"] Well done all the same [the cheese sandwiches are on Bill]

    By Blogger M., At 12:14 PM, June 07, 2005