Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Pay No Attention To The Heathen Monkey Child

Recently, when no one was looking, the evil Kendra slipped in unannounced. (Okay, Bill invited her. But it sounds better my way.) Beware the Kendra. She's an IHOP parking lot wrestler. And not a good one at that. I still say Bub won. And if the Digital Camera I wanted had been in stock at (insert electronic superstore name here) I'd have the pics to prove it.

[Translation for Bill: IHOP=International House of Pancakes]

Maple syrup is our friend. Long live IHOP. Goodnight.
⬅️ Is this the best multi-player game ever? Instant happiness. ➡️


  • I did NOT "slip in"...I simply used the persuasive power of cookie dough sent to lull Bill into submission. (See Kendra's theory's on Cookie Dough and it's effect on the male brain at a later blog. :) Furthermore, since there are no never happened.... ;)

    Bowing to your increidably strong arm,

    Heathen Monkey Child

    P.S. The only thing you have to beware of is my spelling.

    By Blogger Kendra, At 9:02 PM, December 22, 2004

  • Cookie dough is nice... but fresh-from-the-oven cookies are better. Mmm...

    Excuse me, I've got to get bakin' ...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:48 AM, January 04, 2005

  • As long as you realize she's "E-ville" (Not the normal sort of evil, it's the damn-silly-half-the-calories variety.) you'll be fine. Just remember, she can be bribed with Chinese food, brownies, IHOP French Toast, brownies, biscuits and gravy, brownies, cornbread, brownies, her dad's homemade pancakes and of course brownies. If all else fails, offer her brownies. It never hurts to bring brownies. Brownies, brownies, brownies, brownies, brownies.

    Oddly enough, I'm now hungry. Damn. I'll close now since I can't take the computer to the kitchen with me.

    By Blogger Thia, At 4:34 AM, January 05, 2005

  • Of course, in England, Brownies are traditionally tbe forerunner to "girl guides" [or Girl scouts in the USA] ... [The (age) order goes "Rainbows" - ages 5-7, "Brownies" - ages 7-10 and "Girl guides" - ages 10-14 ( )]

    Of course, I know what Brownies are in the USA - Mmm... Chocolatey... When I was younger [a long time ago, in a galaxy... well... right here to be honest] we used to have "Chocolate concrete" which was similar...

    We have nothing like a Twinkie though.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:16 PM, January 05, 2005

  • I find your lack of Twinkies sad.
    I'll have a moment of silence for you.

    All done. Goodnight.

    By Blogger Thia, At 8:52 AM, January 23, 2005