Animated short of the week (Lost Rhapsody)
Featuring one of the oddest cover versions ever, but not as odd as some of Neil's.
Lost Rhapsody will take a while to load. If you want to, watch this one to pass the time.
Lost Rhapsody will take a while to load. If you want to, watch this one to pass the time.
"Bod, he's a king all the time." |
By Anonymous, At 3:34 PM, November 23, 2005
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
By Happy Hammer, At 10:44 AM, December 01, 2005
Look here
By Happy Hammer, At 10:45 AM, December 01, 2005
Okay, but I don't understand how this Bod relates to Lost.
By The same anonymous, At 7:03 PM, December 10, 2005