Bill P. Godfrey et al
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-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

What's up with comments 2 - This time its personal

The old issue with delayed comments is up again.

Basically, if the first attempt to transfer comments to my server fails, it won't try again until I post a new aticle or someone else leaves a comment. It doesn't tell me there is a problem unless I make the effort to look at the post-a-comment page.

The new blogger system, it says here, includes an improved system for FTP users. Hopefully, once I can move over to it, it will sort out these annoying problems.

In the meantime, if you don't see your comment turn up afer 5 minutes, you can try making a "Delete Me" comment, to make it try again. (I'll delete them as I see them.)
⬅️ Cooking a beef casserole (Video) We're spoiling the ending for your own good! ➡️


  • *beats up your comment problem*

    By Anonymous Rori, At 11:08 AM, November 17, 2006

  • Your system needs more monkies!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:05 AM, November 19, 2006

  • The strange thing about when I've been leaving comments on some blogs lately is it uses the name 'Tia' instead of samsarajade, even though it's on the option of 'use blogger display name' which is samsarajade-no idea why it keeps dragging Tia into it! It's confusing my multiple personalities! Grr! lol!

    By Blogger samsarajade, At 7:51 PM, November 19, 2006