Bill P. Godfrey et al
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I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Friday, March 04, 2005

What do people want to buy?

  Being bored and hopping onto ebay I noticed the new "pulse"...

The "ebay pulse" tells you what the most popular things people are looking for, watching, etc... now... When I looked, the most popular searches were...

  1. cds
  2. cd
  3. 12
  4. dvds
  5. dvd
  6. 4
  7. 5
  8. 7
  9. tops
  10. top

[all calculated by "number of searches"]
cds, tops, dvds - I can understand. These are logical things to want to buy. But, the numbers 12,4,5 and 7? are people bonkers? [in case they are, I've a "number 12" that I'll sell quite cheaply... ]
⬅️ A look in the logs (February 2005) The world has gone bonkers! Part 1. ➡️


  • What's a "top"? Spining top? Clothing top? Muffin tops?

    Mmmmmm, muffin tops.

    By Blogger Bill P. Godfrey, At 4:47 PM, March 04, 2005

  • I'd say "yes" to all 3.

    It is more of a "normal" request than a number... saying that... it's exactly the same today - I wonder if it's gotten a bit buggered up or something...

    Interesting facts [from ebay]

    A piece of women’s clothing sells every 20 seconds : She surely can't have much left in her wardrobe - throw her a blanket someone!

    A CD sells every 11 seconds : so that's where all the time's been going!

    A football shirt sells every 5 minutes : aka a "ball bag" to the rest of us

    By Blogger M., At 4:22 PM, March 07, 2005