"Doctor, thy periphrastic circumlocutions are indeed divine!"
Stephen Fry may write for the next Doctor Who series.
(I'm actually looking forward to that.)
(I'm actually looking forward to that.)
⬅️ | Can't beat this... ox. | Animated (not so) short of the week. (Demented Cartoon Movie) | ➡️ |
I cannot digest big words late at night.
Rori, At
8:32 AM, June 26, 2005
Me too - I only consume dictionaries between the hours of 8am and 6pm.
[oh, Bill, do you know what the name is of that American show that stars Mr Frys comedy partner Hugh Laurie - it's meant to be quite interesting...oh wait... maybe it's "House MD"... wonder if any of the 4 channels I get have picked that one up yet...]
M., At
10:48 AM, June 27, 2005