Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Heaven... I'm in heaven...

This cartoon sums me up perfectly. Enjoy.
⬅️ Oh no, not I Bill's school days - "Technical Hitch" ➡️


  • What? You're walking through to a city in the clouds and the only thing that concerns you is whether or not you've unplugged electrical appliances?

    I'd be more worried about the effects of gravity... or wondering if Ming the Merciless will suddenly decend on Prince Vultan's kingdom at any moment and wreck all sorts of mayhem.


    By Blogger M., At 9:00 AM, October 13, 2006