Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Friday, August 19, 2005

Ahhhh, when I look at the coulds across the moon...

Here in the night I just hope and pray that soon,
Oh darling, you'll hurry home to me.

More moon photography. I saw the moon perfectly framed with a halo of clouds. I just had to grab the camera.

Its official, I need a tripod. (More moon madness here.)

Update - The "A Perfect Marriage" couple saw the same scene. And took a better photo. Mutter mutter, grumble grumble.
⬅️ Step away from the lyrics! More stop-motion-animation ➡️


  • Funny how we've both been taking moon shots this evening. It was quite spectacular with those clouds, though, wasn't it?
    Thanks for the link.

    By Anonymous ed, At 1:37 AM, August 20, 2005