Not Bill's animation of the week...
...but my irregular animational toe-dipping in the ocean of animational delights ...
As a currently inactive roleplaying fiend, I found this particularly amusing and strangely "true to life"...
8 bit D&D
As a currently inactive roleplaying fiend, I found this particularly amusing and strangely "true to life"...
8 bit D&D
Ever play any OLD Sierra online games in CGA?
Rori, At
3:29 AM, June 17, 2005
I used to play some of the "quest" games [police quest/ space quest] although by the time I got hold of them, everything was in glorous 256 vga colour...
I did get quite far in the first police quest, until a point where you had to dial for information and being British, I tried 100, 500... and had no joy [of course, now it would be 118 abc [where abc corresponds to any one of the hundreds of directory enquiries companies now in operation]
In the end I gave up - although later found that I should have been using 411...
It was later that I got hold of the space quest series - although, by then I'd been too blinded by the whole pointy-clicky thing to appreciate the "move-type-do something" thing of the cga stylings.
M., At
12:26 PM, June 23, 2005