Bill P. Godfrey et al
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-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Sunday, March 06, 2005

Animated short of the week. (Clubfoot)

(Something a little different this week.)
Here's a clubfoot.
There's a clubfoot.
And another little clubfoot.
Fuzzy clubfoot.
Funny clubfoot.
Clubfoot, clubfoot, duck.
Clubfoot by Pumamanor (WMV 6.1MB)

Note that the file is in WMV format, but the URL says its AVI. You may need to save the file to disk and rename it. (My copy of winamp happily plays it without renaming.)

In case you can't run it, here's a flash animation. Apparantly, last week's Hey hey 16k is better than this one.
Badger badger badger by Weebl

Legend has it that if you listen to it long enough, you will start hearing subliminal messages about recreational drugs. Zoiks!
⬅️ Frustration... Never insult soap opera makers ➡️


  • Clubfoot - good - but very strange. Reminds me of some of the things I've animated in the past :-) Badger.. terrible. Don't like it one bit.. well... maybe that bit over there. "hey hey 16k" is IMHO much better.

    By Blogger M., At 12:56 PM, March 07, 2005