Animated short of the week. (Arookoo Toe)
Many Japanese expressions sound just like English. Which means hilarity all round. Maybe.
This one is based around the opening theme music to Neon Genesis Evangelion, a Japanese cartoon.
I have to know though. What Japanese phrase sounds like "You love to lick my pussy there"?
(Don't worry, there no rude images accompanying that phrase, just in case you reading this while you have the vicar around for tea.)
This one is based around the opening theme music to Neon Genesis Evangelion, a Japanese cartoon.
I have to know though. What Japanese phrase sounds like "You love to lick my pussy there"?
(Don't worry, there no rude images accompanying that phrase, just in case you reading this while you have the vicar around for tea.)
Cartoon theme music sure has moved on since the days of "Scooby dooby doo, where are you?"
"You love to lick my pussy there" means "Write the feem tune and sing the feem tune."
Anonymous, At
6:54 PM, July 05, 2005
Somehow, I doubt that.
Bill, At
10:47 AM, July 06, 2005
If you mean the japanese lyrics, its "u atsu pathos de", or something along that line..
Ever since watching this, i think of pussy while seeing the EVA opening. THANKS A LOT :D
Anonymous, At
2:32 AM, August 21, 2006