Bill P. Godfrey et al
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-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Monday, June 04, 2007

2012 Olympic logo

How to prevent trademark infringement in one easy step.
  1. Make it so awful that no-one would ever want to copy it anyway.
⬅️ How to make a mug-mat Attending Gay Pride ➡️


  • I just made a little puke... Im sure the people of the future love that kind of thing though... purple and yellow mmmmmmm...

    By Blogger GammaGoblin, At 9:34 AM, June 05, 2007

  • Bill,
    I wouldnt worry about any trademark infringments on your blog, no one would want to copy it. It's Crap, LOL come to thing about it so is mine..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:21 PM, June 06, 2007

  • Huh? Not sure what your comment means lol. Guess what, only last week did I realise its meant to say "2012". Damn, thats one bad logo!

    By Blogger GammaGoblin, At 8:56 PM, June 29, 2007