Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Animated short of the week (Reindeer)

This week, two cartoons involving reindeer. It's almost as if reindeer are significant to this time of year for some reason. I don't get it at all.

I mean, a year ago I was thinking about starting this AsotW feature and on the 26th of December, I posted a link to a cartoon rabbit bemoaning his lack of what rabbits are famous for doing. Nothing at all to do with reindeer.

Let him who seeks, continue seeking until he finds.
-- Jesus
⬅️ Look how far we've come! Here fishy, fishy, fishy... ➡️