Bill P. Godfrey et al
Welcome to my incredibly stupid website. This was my pride and joy from '04 to '07. I've since rescued it from its barely- functioning state and I'm presenting it here.

I hope you enjoy it.
-- Bill P. Godfrey, 2022.
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Monday, April 18, 2005

Just a bunch of money...

 ... for old rope - currently up to £19

What other phrases can we hijack to obtain money out of gullible ebayers ?

[they're also selling nothing currently up to £26 no mention of any free chicks though...]

** note that these "silly" auctions are for charity and are not just some guy trying to fleece us all
⬅️ Animated short of the week. (Play) Moving ads about ➡️


  • Just a note:

    Final selling price for "Bit of old rope" £31 - plus £2.99 P+P [or S+H for any non-Brits.]

    It looks like the "Money for Nothing" auction was cancelled by ebay. Still. It was doing good up to that point.

    By Blogger M., At 2:56 PM, April 20, 2005